Aside from the ordained and consecrated role men play in the Catholic Church as priests and religious, the role of lay men in the Church has not been explored in great detail[1]. Indeed, some have suggested that there is a ‘crisis of masculinity’ in the Church, based on the increasing absence of men in parish communities as shown in various surveys and statistics[2].
In response to some of these challenges, and in an attempt to reinvigorate Catholic men around the country, the National Catholic Men’s Gathering was established in 2020. The event explored the nature and identity of Catholic men and the mission and ministry to which they are called by God in today’s world. A second gathering was held in 2021.
Feedback from the events revealed a desire for Catholic men to find ways to be more engaged with their faith and to integrate their faith into other aspects of their lives.
When considering the provision of formation for men who wish to grow in their relationship with Jesus, and in their understanding of the Catholic faith, we invite you to read this article on faith formation. It explains how a holistic approach to formation planning needs to consider the human, spiritual, intellectual and pastoral dimensions that should be developed within each person.
The question that can be asked then is whether formation looks different for men? In many aspects of faith formation, the baptised – and those seeking to become Catholic – will have similar needs. However, formation can be tailored for men by considering life issues primarily affecting men.
Following is a variety of offerings which cater to the particular life experiences of men. It is by no means exhaustive.
Australian Catholic Men’s Gathering
A national Catholic Men's Gathering was held in 2020 and 2021, seeking to inspire and encourage all men with a vision for personal discipleship, service and mission in the family, parish/diocese and the world. The 2021 program focused on St Joseph and included a pre-recorded introductory session, three pre-recorded sessions, and a final commissioning.
The material from the 2021 Australian Catholic Men's Gathering is available at Evangelise Plus.and can be used individually or by groups gathered from parishes, dioceses or communities. The sessions are designed to be used on one full day or across a number of days and they can be integrated with local initiatives such as Mass, testimonies and group discussions.
Is there a Catholic theology of masculinity? (Dr Peter Holmes, University of Notre Dame Australia)
Apostolic Letter Patris Corde (Pope Francis, 2020)
Into the Breach: An Apostolic Exhortation to Catholic Men (Bishop Thomas Olmsted, Diocese of Phoenix)
Into the Breach video series (Knights of Columbus)
Australian networks for men:
The Knights of the Southern Cross
Knights of the Precious Blood (Croatian Men’s Ministry)
Maximus Men’s Ministry Network (Archdiocese of Sydney)
Knights of the Immaculata (Archdiocese of Sydney)
International networks for men:
If you wish to contribute to this section of the website, please send us an email with the relevant details.
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Also, while this website provides contact details and links to other websites, the NCE has no control over the nature, content and availability of those sites. The inclusion of any links does not necessarily imply a recommendation or endorse the views expressed within them. If you require further information about any individuals/groups linked to on this website, we encourage you to seek advice from your diocesan office or contact the individual/group directly.
[1] See Daniel Ang’s comments here.
[2] In the above article, it is stated that men aged under 45 is the fastest contracting cohort in the Church. Other statistics from the US can be found here.