“The Holy Spirit gives to certain of the faithful the gifts of wisdom, faith and discernment for the sake of this common good which is prayer (spiritual direction). Men and women so endowed are true servants of the living tradition of prayer.”

Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC), n. 2690

As Catholics, we are called into relationship with God, ourselves and each other. Sometimes, managing these relationships requires help and/or at the very least, ongoing maintenance. Spiritual direction is one way in which Catholics can enrich these relationships. Spiritual direction involves three people: a qualified spiritual director, the person being directed (or, we might say, “accompanied” or “journeyed with”) and the Holy Spirit.

The role of the spiritual director is to help a person discern the movement of the Holy Spirit in their life. A qualified director does not tell a person what to do or not to do – but gently prompts a person to consider and reflect on their life, including any obstacles that might be hindering good relationships, what the Lord might be calling them to do, and the effectiveness of their prayer life.

A spiritual director is not a psychologist or counsellor, and though some directors may also have these professional qualifications, the roles should not be confused. Spiritual direction is also not the sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation or Confession) unless the director is a priest. In such a case, it’s helpful to separate the sacrament from the spiritual direction.

To seek accompaniment with a spiritual director is not a sign of weakness, but rather an acknowledgement that life often goes better when we have a trusted and qualified person walking with us.

Below we have provided further information on spiritual direction. If you are looking for a spiritual director, you could seek guidance from your local parish priest or pastoral team member, or from your diocesan office. If this is not suitable, then you could consider directors listed on the Conference of Spiritual Directors Australia website (see below for contact details).

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