Priests and deacons are a vital part of the Church’s mission in the world, providing the faithful with access to the Sacraments and the many graces that they impart. Those who have received Holy Orders are tasked with nourishing the Church spiritually through the administration of the Sacraments, accompanying the faithful from their birth (Baptism) to the end of their life (Anointing of the Sick).

Clergy also have a role to play in evangelisation; specifically regarding formation of the People of God. The General Directory for Catechesis refers to the priestly task of forming the faithful, stating:

“… the ministry of the priest is a service which forms the Christian community and co-ordinates and strengthens other charisms and services. In catechesis the Sacrament of Holy Orders constitutes priests as 'educators of the faith'. They work, therefore, to see that the faithful are properly formed to reach true Christian maturity” (n. 224).

As leaders of parish communities, clergy also have a unique opportunity to encourage, promote and support evangelisation initiatives within their communities. They should collaborate with members of the lay faithful, empowering them to use their gifts and talents to share the Gospel with others. Clergy should help to foster a culture of evangelisation, organising and initiating evangelisation efforts in their parishes, and they should also seek to nurture the faith of those outside the Church who are sincerely seeking God. The Code of Canon Law neatly summarises these tasks related to evangelisation given to clergy:

“A pastor is obliged to make provision so that the word of God is proclaimed in its entirety to those living in the parish; for this reason, he is to take care that the lay members of the Christian faithful are instructed in the truths of the faith, especially by giving a homily on Sundays and holy days of obligation and by offering catechetical instruction. He is to foster works through which the spirit of the gospel is promoted, even in what pertains to social justice. He is to have particular care for the Catholic education of children and youth. He is to make every effort, even with the collaboration of the Christian faithful, so that the message of the gospel comes also to those who have ceased the practice of their religion or do not profess the true faith,” (Canon 528, S1).


For further information about the ministry for clergy in Australia, please contact Fr Khalid Marogi, National Director of Clergy Life and Ministry,



Global Clergy, Local Missionaries (Evangelise Plus)

Integrity in our Common Ministry (Australian Catholic Bishops Conference)


Interculturation of Clergy in Australia (2020)

Preaching on Purpose (Divine Renovation)



National Council of Priests of Australia

Australian Confraternity of Catholic Clergy

National Association of Deacons

Australian Catholic Diocesan Vocations Directors Conference