Elements of beauty are littered throughout Catholic tradition and history. From the poetic verses in the Book of Psalms to the array of beautiful sacred art, the Catholic Church has always held beauty in high regard. While numerous Popes have spoken about the arts, Pope Francis neatly summarises the link between art and evangelisation in the following words: “Art in all its forms, does not exist only for simple aesthetic enjoyment but because, through art the Church in every moment of history and in every culture, explains and interprets revelation for the good of the People of God. Art in the Church fundamentally exists for evangelisation,” (Address to patrons of the arts, Vatican Museum, October 2013).

The National Centre for Evangelisation has featured a number of articles in its newsletter, The Bridge, that focus on encountering God through art and beauty.

Beauty 150pxBeholding Beauty in Melbourne

The revival of beauty took a further step forward in Melbourne recently, with the ‘Beholding Beauty’ art exhibition proving to be popular among Catholics from near and far.

Part of the ‘Truth Goodness Beauty Project’, the exhibition at St Peter’s Parish in Toorak in September featured about 50 artworks created by more than 30 Australian Catholic artists.

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Daniel and St Christopher 150pxA touch of the divine: Finding God through beauty

“The best evangelical strategy is one that moves from the beautiful to the good, and, finally, to the true,” Bishop Robert Barron once wrote.

Beauty can be an easier, more gentle way to draw people to faith than through other means. It’s generally easy to recognise, requires only the use of the senses and doesn’t need an abundance of time, money or energy to discover.

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Bondi ParishBondi’s beaches trumped by parishes’ focus on beauty

Bondi might be known for its beaches, but Fr Anthony Robbie is on a bold mission to associate the sunny NSW suburb with a growing, attractive and flourishing Catholic community.

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Devotion Beauty and Faith by Max Bowman 150pxYoung evangelisers spreading the Gospel through religious art

During the renowned Marian apparitions of Lourdes and Fatima, God entrusted children with the task of helping to evangelise the world. Today, in a smaller but similar manner, children in Australia are evangelising their families and communities through religious art.

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YOY image low res 465 150 pxThe evangelising power of Christian art

Jesus said nothing about art. He did, however, speak using images that were at once familiar enough to be grasped and yet evocative enough to provide a glimpse of the mystery about which he was speaking – God, the Kingdom, the Temple, the Cross, eternal life.

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Other Links/Articles

‘The Way of Beauty’ (Archbishop Julian Porteous)

Truth Goodness Beauty Project (Archdiocese of Melbourne)

How (not) to be a Catholic artist (Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne)

Making ‘oases of beauty’: Fr Francis Denton talks art, beauty and culture (Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne)

Australian Catholic Liturgical Art (National Liturgical Architecture and Art Council)

Vatican Museums – Online Catalogue

Stop and read: Pope praises spiritual value of literature and poetry