Since 2021 the Archdiocese of Adelaide has been on a synodal journey. The journey has included multiple consultations, assemblies, resources and the establishment of a Diocesan Pastoral Council to lead the Archdiocese into the future.

After his installation in 2020, Archbishop Patrick O’Regan began this journey which saw the first consultations and Diocesan Assembly held in 2021.

A second Diocesan Assembly took place in 2022, before several regional assemblies were held in 2023, allowing communities to discuss challenges specific to their region and local context.

The Archdiocese has connected this journey with the Plenary Council of Australia, and now the Synod on Synodality in Rome.

Sarah MoffattExecutive Director, Pastoral Life and Mission for the Archdiocese, Sarah Moffatt, recently spoke to the National Centre for Evangelisation about the 2024 Diocesan Assembly and the Archdiocese’s journey thus far.

Sarah said a key focus of the Assembly was to encourage Catholics in the Archdiocese to respond proactively to the needs they identify in their communities.

“We’ve always said to our people, ‘You don’t actually need to wait for an instruction to come from the diocesan office to enact whatever was said in the Assembly’. We want to get everyone involved in it, so it’s not a centralised approach,” she said.

Hear more about the Archdiocese of Adelaide’s journey, some key learnings, and next steps in the full interview with Sarah Moffatt, available at Evangelise Plus.


Adelaide Diocesan Assembly


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