We are one month in on the start of a new year. What were your new year resolutions - to lose weight, exercise more, drink less alcohol, eat more vegetables, be kinder to your kids? As a subscriber to Faith Journey maybe your resolution was to discover more about God, Jesus and the Catholic faith. Or, if you are already a Catholic, maybe you considered attending Mass more regularly.
Normally, Australians are a bit hesitant to share their faith. Certainly, our culture is opposed to people “shoving religion down the neck” of others. However, here at the Catholic Enquiry Centre, we would like to propose the Catholic faith to you by supporting you in the following ways:
Prayer: We would like to offer you a free copy of Discovering Prayer: A 30-day prayer journey of encountering God, and love. Prayer can help you come closer to God and to discern what is happening in your heart. To obtain a free copy, send us an email with your name and postal address AND answer the question, “What is your greatest obstacle to becoming a Catholic (or practicing your faith)?”
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the normative process for adults who wish to become a Catholic. It’s offered in most parishes in Australia. You can read about it here.
Have you stopped going to Mass? There could be many reasons for this, and it’s impossible to address them all here. However, we are happy to make time to connect you with someone in your local parish who can listen to your concerns with compassion and trust. We are also available on the phone or email to respond to whatever questions you have. See our details below.
If something is stirring in your heart, then honour that feeling. St Augustine (354-430), an African bishop wrote, “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you”. Don’t let your heart be restless in 2022; seek out the answers you need.
What's stopping you?
Further reading
Words: Sharon Brewer
Image: Unsplash