USCCBFrom the USCCB website, Bishop Robert Barron, Chair of the Committee on Evangelisation and Catechesis writes:

The phenomenon of the rising number of people who are disaffiliating from the Catholic Church—and religion altogether—presents a challenging cultural situation for the Church today. However, as Pope Francis reminds us, “challenges exist to be overcome! Let us be realists, but without losing our joy, our boldness and our hope-filled commitment. Let us not allow ourselves to be robbed of missionary vigour!” (Evangelii Gaudium, no. 109).

While our current historical moment represents a crisis in the life of the Church, it is also a beautiful invitation, a kairos for us. It is serving as a summons to smart and spiritually alert catechists, evangelists and witnesses, willing to give their lives to the great task before them.

outreachThe Committee on Evangelisation and Catechesis created this video and the accompanying discussion guide for bishops to share with their staff and to spark conversations across the country about how to address this important issue. We hope that sharing these resources with you and expanding the conversation inspires us all to respond to our baptismal call to be missionary disciples.

To view the video and links to a variety of resources, click here