ChaplaincyThere is a rich history of individuals being involved in sport as chaplains in Australia, even prior to the role being titled as such.  Prior to chaplaincy becoming common in some contexts, team managers, coaches, trainers and members of religious congregations often filled a similar role by providing athletes with emotional and personal support, particularly those with whom they had built strong relationships.

Chaplains are characterised by a love of sport, a love of people, and a love of God. Their role in the sporting environment is pastoral, and often takes the form of being present and accompanying others. Many people of faith who have a passion for sport could be called to consider chaplaincy as a way to share those passions.

In Australia, Sports Chaplaincy Australia, a non-denominational organisation, has led the way in training and placing chaplains in sporting clubs around the country. While there are some Catholic sports chaplains, the majority of individuals involved in this ministry have been part of other Christian churches. 

Learn more about the work of sports chaplains at the links below: